Maintenance Release for Inventory Pro (ver for SAP Business One 2007

Maintenance Release for Inventory Pro (ver is released today for SAP Business One 2007. Mentioned below are the fixes included in this release.

Bugs and Defects Fixed

Following bugs have been fixed in this release:

SYS_BIN Transfer – In the previous release of the Inventory Pro Add-on, due to negative stock in the warehouse, stock quantities were not appropriately transferred to the SYS_BIN on updating the Warehouse as a Multi-Bin warehouse. This has been fixed in this release.

Rounding Error in Picking and Put-Away – In the previous release of the Inventory Pro Add-on, if the conversion factor for Sales or Purchase unit of measure is in two decimal places and the marketing document is created with decimal quantities, then the system would result in a rounding error leading to quantity mismatch between SAP warehouse quantity and Bin quantities. This has been fixed in this release.

Partial Receipt in GRPO – In the previous release of the Inventory Pro Add-on, if a Purchase Order is partially received in a GRPO then the Inventory Pro add-on would lock the Purchase Order for subsequent receipts. This has been fixed in this release.

Batch Sorting in Picking and Put-Away screens – In the previous release of the Inventory Pro Add-on, the Batch numbers were not appropriately sorted in the Picking and Put-Away screens. This has been fixed in this release.

Bins Choose from List – In the previous release of the Inventory Pro Add-on, the Bins Choose from List would usually hang the system or had poor performance. This has been fixed in this release.

Delivery creation by RF Integration Service – In the previous release of the Inventory Pro Add-on, the RF Integration service would only update the Delivery Document header if the Ship to Code in Sales Order Line level was NULL. This has been fixed in this release.

Print Error in Picking Screen – In the previous release of the Inventory Pro Add-on, on clicking the Print button in the Picking screen would result in a form initiation error. This has been fixed in this release.


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